*** u slučaju da u četvrtak popodne i petak ujutro bude kišilo, ulazak vozila unutar paviljona neće biti moguć
– construction of the stands
– entrance in pavilions with vans and cars
*** in case that on Thursday afternoon or on Friday morning it rains, entering with vehicles into pavilions will not be possible
petak / friday
08,30 – 10,00 h
– izgradnja štandova od ovlaštenih izvođača
– ulazak u paviljon s dostavnim vozilima
*** u slučaju da u četvrtak popodne i petak ujutro bude kišilo, ulazak vozila unutar paviljona neće biti moguć
– construction of the stands
– entrance in pavilions with vans and cars
*** in case that on Thursday afternoon or on Friday morning it rains, entering with vehicles into pavilions will not be possible
10,30 h
– rok do kojeg vozila moraju napustiti paviljon
– deadline until cars need to leave pavilion
08,30 – 13,00 h
– priprema robe na štandu
– fill of stands with merchandise
subota / saturday
07,30 – 18,00 h CACIB ZAGREB
nedjelja / sunday
08,00 – 18,00 h CACIB ZAGREB
18,00 – 22,00 h
– raspremanje štandova
– degradation of the stands
19,00 h
– ulazak u paviljon s dostavnim vozilom
– entrance in pavillon with vans and cars
22,00 h
– zadnji rok do kojeg vozila i ljudi moraju napustiti paviljon
– deadline until which cars and people need to leave pavillon
U dane izložbe (osim petka prije podne) neće biti moguć ulazak u prostor s dostavnim vozilima. Ukoliko trebate popuniti svoj asortiman, najlakše ćete to učiniti kada završi subotnja izložba (između 18,00 i 19,00 sati).
Svaki iznajmljeni prostor dobiva onoliko ulaznica koliko je iznajmljeno dužnih metara štanda.
Parkirne ulaznice se neće izdavati jer je moguće parkiranje unutar prostora Zagrebačkog velesajma po cijeni od 5 kn po satu (ulaz i izlaz ZAPAD III ili ISTOK III ).
In days of the shows (except friday morning) it won’t be possible enter the area with transport vans and cars. If you need to fill in your stand with products, the easiest way to do it is after the Saturday’s show finishes (between 18.00 and 19.00 hours).
Each leased space gets as many tickets as front meters are permanently rented.
Parking tickets won’t be issued because of the parking space which is enabled within the Zagreb Fair at cost of 5 kunas (0,75 euro cents, but only in kunas) per hour (entry and exit EAST 3 – ISTOK 3).